Monthly Archives: April 2016

Spring 2016 Newsletter


Dear Members,

As I am writing these lines the game season has started and April is nearly gone. The rivers are running high with strong flows and the aquifers are full. The first week of the season looked very promising but the stormy weather in late March rendered most of our rivers unfishable. Still, it is very good news that there is plenty of water in the system and it
bodes well for good sport later in the season.

The grannom hatches started during the second week of April and there are some olives about. Fishing has been very much hit and miss, as it normally is the case in this early part of the season. Luckily, all of our river beats are open to members except the section below Ham Hatches at West Amesbury which still remains closed due to flooded banks. Please check the forum, or our main web site page under “Latest Fishing Availability” for the latest update.

We are hoping to have a decent mayfly season this year, if one is to judge by the number of mayfly nymphs that our fly monitors find in their three minute monthly “kick samples”. With plenty of water in the aquifers we should have good summer sport, but as ever we are at the mercy of the weather so it would be unwise to make early predictions. One thing is for sure though, the Avon is a very healthy river and has good fly-life when compared with many other rivers in the country. Based on an independent survey of 12 rivers in the UK, both chalk streams and spate, the Wiltshire Avon came second after the Derbyshire Wye in […]

2016-10-22T08:49:30+01:00April 25th, 2016|News, Newsletters|Comments Off on Spring 2016 Newsletter

S&DAC Fly Fishing Open Day -May 15th 2016

S&DAC Fly-fishing Open Day – May 15 2016 at Manningford

Open day for S&DAC members and their guests, to take place at Manningford Fishery (map 8 in your book), starting at 9:30 a.m.
Our Hon. Vice President Charles Jardine will lead the day with a team of best class instructors, entomologists and flytiers.Buffet lunch and soft drinks are included in the price. Hot tea, coffee and cakes will be on sale. Our annual raffle will take place over lunch.


2016-10-22T08:49:30+01:00April 18th, 2016|News|Comments Off on S&DAC Fly Fishing Open Day -May 15th 2016


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